Katie Price’s doppelganger daughter

Katie clone: ​​Price’s teenage daughter Princess Tiaamii (15) Photo: officialprincess_andre/Instagram

From the BZ editorial team

She loves ink just like mom!

Princess Tiaamii (15) is ex-Boxing Luder Katie Price (44) cut out of her face – and can also use the make-up of the famous mother.

XL lashes, dark eyeshadow, maxi mane. THIS is how Princess styled for a family wedding!

Hopefully she doesn’t take her mother as a role model in every way. Because mother of five Katie only narrowly missed a prison sentence at the end of June.

Because she wrote a nasty message to her ex Kieran Hayler (34), in which she insulted his new fiancée, among other things, she was reported. Because she violated a restraining order that her ex had imposed on her.

Katie Price in January 2018. Most recently she is said to have taken drugs again

Katie Price in January 2018 Photo: picture alliance

But Katie was lucky again: despite the current suspended sentence, six driving bans and a failed alcohol and drug test, the verdict was: community service instead of jail.

Daughter Princess also has more of her mother.


International Stars Katie Price Culture and People
