Anycoin Direct: The European crypto exchange in the big check

Opening an account with Anycoin Direct

In order to open an account with Anycoin Direct, the interested party must first register. This requires some basic information, such as a name and a password. The interested party then receives a link that he must confirm in order to activate his account.

The provider uses a tier system to regulate how much money a user can spend. He needs to level up incrementally to be able to trade higher amounts. You start with level one when you log in for the first time. The first coins can already be purchased, but there are weekly buy and sell limits. At this level, customers can, for example, buy cryptocurrencies via instant transfer for a maximum of 250 euros per week. The highest level is five. The purchase limit here is 25,000 euros per week. If you want to increase these limits, you can start directly with the verification under the menu item “Account”.

If you want to buy a cryptocurrency from the exchange, you have to select the desired currency and the means of payment. Sofortüberweisung and credit cards are immediately available. In order to carry out a SEPA transfer, an identification document must first be uploaded to the site. The customer can then enter their desired amount and carry out the transaction.

Anyocin Direct writes in its terms and conditions that opening an account is possible “if you are resident in a member state of the European Union or in a SEPA country”. However, this does not apply to Germany: due to current legislation, the provider is not allowed to enter into a business relationship with German customers. Since 2021, the platform has required a license for the crypto custody business from BafIn, which it does not have. So you can’t create an account at the moment. However, existing customers can still trade.
