Gijs Groenteman is annoyed by Germans: ‘What a jerk!’

Gijs Groenteman can occasionally be annoyed by German people. He still describes them as ‘Muffs’, a term of abuse that was used for years to describe the German occupier.

© Instagram

Teun van de Keuken tells in the podcast which he makes with Gijs Groenteman that he traveled to Germany by train some time ago. However, that trip did not go well for him. “A while ago I was on the train to Berlin and suddenly when you crossed the German border, everyone had to wear a mask.”

“What a jerk!”

Teun has no problems with that per se, but he does have a problem with the way in which it was said. “It was really like (put on a grim German accent, ed.): ‘People, it is really time to start wearing a mouth cap.’ That staff was very irritated about those ‘dissolute’ Dutch people.”

Gijs amused: “Oh, what a Kraut they are, aren’t they?”


Teun reacts somewhat reluctantly. “Yes Yes.”

Gijs again: “Really kraut.”

Teun then: “I wouldn’t use that word.”

Gijs laughing: “Should you say the M-word then?”

Big and small

Teun and Gijs have really surprised their supporters with a photo on Instagram, in which Teun looks like a kind of giant and Gijs a gnome. “Whut? Teun is huge here or is Gijs so small?” says Desi, for example.

Teun then says: “Both of you!”

And Kirsten: “What? Teun is bigger than Gijs? I need to recover from this for a while.”


The photo in question:
