Energía del Futuro is an Argentine company dedicated to the commercialization and installation of equipment that uses renewable energies. Within this range, are the solar hot water tanks. A solution that not only represents great savings in gas and electricity consumption, but also allows for hot water in isolated areas without mains supply and reduces environmental pollution.

Their main benefits are:

  • SAFETY: Solar hot water tanks, by not using gas, reduce the risks of using it. On the other hand, they maintain the potability of the water.
  • SAVINGS: energy saving (gas-electricity) is immediate as soon as the equipment starts up, it only uses some electricity, mainly in winter, to help quickly recover the missing temperature, and when it reaches it , short, and the team, due to its isolation, maintains it for hours.
  • SUSTAINABILITY: 100% eliminates gas emissions by not using combustion to generate heat, thus reducing the carbon footprint to the maximum, it does not use moving parts and there is hardly any wear on the system.
  • SPACE ECONOMY: being installed outside, the saving of space inside the house is considerable
  • DURABILITY AND LOW MAINTENANCE: they are much more durable equipment than conventional hot water tanks because they are of a simple design with a minimum number of parts.
  • VERSATILITY: they adapt to all types of conditions and climates. They can also be used in combination with an existing water heater or hot water tank, saving in this case between 80 and 90% of energy. In areas where there is no gas or electricity, just slightly oversizing the system is enough. They withstand hail of considerable size and strong winds, as they do not have flat surfaces.

The supply of hot water with solar energy, saving and without polluting the environment by using renewable energy is a reality within everyone’s reach. Our planet thanks you.

Contact information:


Instagram: @energia.futuro.arg


WhatsApp: 1157083798

Mail: [email protected]

[email protected]


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