The audios of Cospedal, Fernández Díaz, Delgado…

The former general secretary of the PP María Dolores de Cospedal and her husband, Ignacio Lopez del Hierro; the former president of the Catalan PP Alicia Sanchez-Camacho; the former Minister of the Interior Jorge Fernández Díaz; the former president of the Community of Madrid Ignacio González; the former judge of the National High Court Baltasar Garzón; the former deans of the Madrid judges José Luis González Armengol and Antonio Viejo; the judges Fernando Andrew, Fermin Echarri Y Theresa Palacios; the state attorney general, Dolores Delgado; the former Secretary of State for Security Francisco Martínez; former Deputy Director of Operations (DAO) of the Police Eugene Pine; the former head of the UDEF Joseph Louis Olivera and the former head of the Central Operational Support Unit (UCAO) Enrique Garcia Castano. These are just some of the politicians and public officials who were recorded by Commissioner José Manuel Villarejo. Many, but not all, of these recordings are included in the summary of the Tandem or Villarejo case.

There may be more recordings

However, Villarejo’s diaries, which were found during one of the searches of the retired commissioner’s home, show that the list of recordings could be higher, since the police agent marked in his diaries the conversations that he considered of interest. The new director of the National Intelligence Center (CNI), Esperanza Casteleiro, coincided at two lunches with retired commissioner José Manuel Villarejo, who had been accused of insulting former Spanish espionage chief Félix Sanz Roldán. One of these two appointments is included in the agendas. The media have already published one of those conversations.

EL PERIÓDICO DE ESPAÑA has contacted one of the accused characters who, claiming anonymity, criticizes the commissioner’s actions, which He also recorded people he trusted most, as is the case, for example, Joseph Louis Oliverawho has come to testify in favor of Villarejo in the trial for slander against the CNI of which the former police commander was acquitted.

“Can you imagine everyone recording everyone?”

Someone who records everything and everyone is an unspeakable being. Incompatible with life in society. That is the crime for which they should sentence him more years. Can you imagine everyone recording everyone? It’s Hobbes’ bloody state of nature!!”, Explains this former official who was recorded by Villarejo on numerous occasions. [El ser humano en el estado de naturaleza es, según Hobbes, el egoísmo y no está sometido a ningún límite legal, por lo que se impone el más fuerte: el hombre es un lobo para el hombre].

Villarejo was preparing an audio store thinking that, thanks to it, he would one day be saved from possible arrest in case he was discovered. This list of recorded ex-charges and former state officials is also joined by groups of businessmen such as Xavier of the Rose, whose testimony began the Pujol case; lawyers, many of them appearing in different corruption cases; the former policemen who had gone over to the private company, and who had hired Villarejo from those entities, as is the case, for example, of Jose Luis Corrochano [BBVA]; and that of journalists.

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Villarejo’s desire to record his conversations, including those that had no police interest, has created a school among his co-religionists. In the housing register Raphael Rounda partner of Villarejo in the Cenyt company, the Internal Affairs Unit was apprehended of other recordings, which have been included in the summary of the separate piece Iron.

In this case, the engravings were the commissioner’s clients, who were from the Herrero y Asociados law firm. Furthermore, his own García Castaño acknowledged, after denying it and blaming Chief Commissioner Marcelino Martín-Blas without any evidence, that he was responsible for the recording of the meeting held by the former Minister of the Interior Jorge Fernández Díaz with the former head of the Catalan Anti-Fraud Office Daniel of Alfonso.
