Hurrah! Eliane van Vollenhoven’s birthday today

Family van Vollenhoven

Eliane is the tenth grandchild of Princess Margriet and Pieter van Vollenhoven and the second daughter of Prince Floris and Princess Aimée. Their eldest daughter Magali became Eliane’s big sister in 2009 and the two girls later had a brother, Willem Jan.

Eliane van Vollenhoven is not often in the spotlight

Eliane is not often in the spotlight. The last time she appeared on the red carpet with her parents was during the celebration of Pieter van Vollenhoven’s 80th birthday in 2019.

Like Mother like daughter

On ‘s Instagram account Prince Floris we occasionally get a look at the family life of the Van Vollenhoven family and it can be seen that Eliane is starting to look more and more like her mother, Princess Aimée.

Source: Beaumonde

July 5, 2022
