New home and hobby animal list to better protect animal welfare | news item

News item | 06-07-2022 | 12:53

On 1 January 2024, the list of mammal species that may be kept as pets and hobby animals still counts about 30 species. From that moment on it is no longer allowed to keep mammals that are not on the list. The advice on the new list of pets and hobby animals was sent to the House of Representatives today by Minister Henk Staghouwer of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality, responsible for animal welfare.

Minister Henk Staghouwer: With the announcement of the new list of pets and hobby animals, we are taking a major step in improving animal welfare in the Netherlands. This list has been anticipated for a long time. I realize that the list has an impact on both keepers who now keep animals with great love and pleasure and for the sector. But we want to put the welfare of the animal itself and the safety of humans first. I am therefore grateful to the Advisory Board for their balanced advice in accordance with the latest scientific insights.

An advisory board of independent scientists has assessed a large number of mammal species kept in the Netherlands for risk factors for animal welfare, as well as possible risks for human health and safety (such as injuries and zoonoses). The advice has led to the selection of about 30 mammals that can still be kept. These will be included in the new list of pets and hobby animals, on which other positive lists are also based, such as the production animal list and the circus animal list.

Most species known as pets will also be on the new home and hobby animal list, such as the dog, cat, guinea pig, golden hamster and rabbit. Many animals considered exotic, such as the serval (medium-sized feline), the meerkat and the sloth, fall outside the list of species that can still be kept as pets or hobby animals from 2024. The complete list with explanation can be found at

Transition Period

The intended date of entry into force of the new list of pets and hobby animals is January 1, 2024. There is a wide transition period. People who have an animal that is not on the list on 1 January 2024 may keep this animal or house it elsewhere until the animal dies. This aims, among other things, to prevent people from releasing the animals into nature, which can be harmful to ecosystems, the welfare of the animals and the safety of humans.

With the entry into force of the new list on 1 January 2024, ample time is also given for animal farmers and sellers to adjust their business operations.

The assessment of all kept mammals shows that the animals that do make it onto the list may also require complex care. The Ministry of LNV is investigating additional measures for the future to further improve the welfare of these animals.
