Despite controversial owners: Mainz 05 plays against Newcastle United

Status: 05.07.2022 3:52 p.m

FSV Mainz 05 will play the friendly against Newcastle United on July 18th as planned, despite massive protests from fans. The club management decided on Monday evening.

When it became known that Mainz 05 was planning a friendly against Newcastle, there were massive protests from the fan scene. The Premier League club was taken over by a consortium that is 80 percent from Saudi Arabia’s sovereign wealth fund and thus under the leadership of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. Saudi Arabia, for its part, has been heavily criticized for violating human rights.

Mainz supporters openly demand cancellation

Reason enough for the Mainzer Supporters, the umbrella organization of Mainz fans, to write an open letter and demand that the friendly be canceled. Mainz 05 is not sending a good signal with regard to the guiding values ​​that the club had worked out together with the fans.

Test game necessary for sport

However, the club management decided to go ahead with the game. “For us, a friendly against a traditional English club is first and foremost a sporting test of strength. This friendly is also particularly important for the preparation of the team. That’s why, after weighing up the various perspectives and in the absence of an alternative opponent who is at this level of play and too was not available at this time, agreed on this game”, club chairman Stefan Hofmann explains the decision.

Association asks for understanding

However, Hofmann admitted that such massive protests from the fan scene were not expected. “We respect these (fan reactions, editor’s note) and regret that this has caused irritation because we see it as our responsibility to start the season with all fans as a single unit,” explained Hofmann. Nevertheless, it must primarily be about optimal sporting preparation of the team.

Cancellation would have serious consequences

“From a sporting perspective, we cannot do without this test match. A unilateral cancellation by us, as requested by some fans, is unthinkable, as this could have serious legal and economic consequences for us due to the contractual obligations and we are fundamentally to our contractual agreements standing,” said Mainz 05 board member Christian Heidel.

Fans had expected a decision

Sebastian Schneider, chairman of the Supporters Mainz, had expected the club to make this decision. “It’s good that there was a reaction and that it was talked about again. But it also showed that you need public pressure to get things moving in the club. That’s a bit frustrating,” says Schneider, describing the mood of the fans . In addition, according to Schneider, they want to “have an intensive effect on the club. Our very clear statement has led to the mission statement being recalled. It’s not a paper tiger lying in the closet, but a value construct for Mainz 05 fans and Members that are lived and must also be respected. It also shows that there is a discrepancy in the interpretation of the mission statement,” said the fan chairman in an interview with SWR Sport.

Discussions with club representatives planned

In any case, those responsible for 05 offered to speak to the fans again and discuss the basic attitude of the club and their understanding of the mission statement.
