Republican Liz Cheney wants Trump no more as president: “Donald Trump may land nooit meer in the Oval Office” | Buitenland

The Republican politica Liz Cheney said in a Sunday interview that there was a chance that there would be a new term as President for Donald Trump. “I don’t think there is a candidate for a party,” Aldus Cheney.

December is the reason for the former vice president Dick Cheney to be responsible for the commission of the Parliamentary Commission for the storming of the Capitool, on January 6 of the previous year, on the year. “It’s really two times the way it’s meant to be than Donald Trump might land in the Oval Office,” Aldus Cheney said.

Gentleman Cassidy Hutchinson

De uitspraken come he little dagen na een opvallende tussenkomst in de onderzoekscommissie, by Cassidy Hutchinson. There was a storming event on the right hand side of Mark Meadows, Trump’s chief of staff. According to Hutchinson, Trump knew that it was going to happen on January 6th. Hij wist dat betogers bewapend to Washington zu komen. Cheney noemde Hutchinsons said it was “ongelooflijk voorbeeld van moed, dapperheid en patriotism”.

Trump candidate 2024

America’s media reported long ago that Trump’s internal identity as a candidate for the presidential office of 2024 can be announced. Cheney zelf zei niet of ze zich ook kandidaat zou put.

Na de storming van het Capitool keerde Cheney zich tegen Trump, waarop haar partij haar op een zijspoor zette. Het parlementslid would have moments like this for hair: it is possible that it is near the verkiezingen deze herfst uit het Huis van Afgevaardigden verdwijnt. Now that one of the few republics had ingested with the two impeachment procedures of the Trump, kreeg ze al doodsbedreingen.

Oud-Staflid Witte Huis done in a derogatory way for the commissioner’s commission: “Trump wilde meanoen aan storming Capitool” (+)

Trump: Ex-medewerkster who is responsible for the commission “psychological problems”
