Residents Aa and Hunze have the most difficulty with reading and writing

The municipality of Aa en Hunze has the highest percentage of low literacy in Drenthe. This concerns 19 percent of the over 16s, according to research by Trendbureau Drenthe.

The average in Drenthe is 11 percent, a total of approximately 46,000 people. Nationally, about 12 percent of the Dutch have difficulty with reading, writing, math and working with the computer. The lowest percentage of low literacy in Drenthe is in the municipalities of Noordenveld and Tynaarlo (7 percent).

The Trendbureau pays attention to residents who have a greater chance of low literacy. These so-called risk groups are more often unemployed and older than 45 years. In the field of unemployment, especially people from Emmen, Coevorden and Assen stand a chance of getting into trouble with reading and writing skills. Westerveld, Aa en Hunze and Noordenveld have an older population, where low literacy plays a greater role.

In the coalition agreement, the VVD, D66, CDA and the ChristenUnie stipulate that municipalities will be given more options to tackle low literacy. Activities are also started on their own initiative, for example libraries that help with computer matters. This may involve making an appointment at the town hall, applying for care and submitting a tax return.
