Demonstration on Dam Square for abortion law

Protesters gather on Dam Square in Amsterdam on Saturday afternoon to draw attention to the right to abortion. It is the second demonstration in less than two months. The reason is the news from the United States where the federal abortion law has been abolished. As a result, all states are free to determine to what extent abortion remains available.

“We noticed anger and sadness in many people when it was officially announced that the Supreme Court in America overturned the Roe vs. Wade ruling,” says Faye Bovelander of action group Baas in Eigen Buik. With Roe vs. Wade’s right to abortion was enshrined nationwide in 1973. “Conservative lobby groups that are active there and want to undermine abortion law are also here in the Netherlands and in Europe. Not to the same extent, but we must remain vigilant.”

The activists on Dam Square especially want abortion as a medical procedure to be removed from the Criminal Code in the Netherlands. The Termination of Pregnancy Act (WAZ) came into effect in 1984, but the procedure has never been removed from criminal law. “Abortion is now not equated with other medical procedures,” said Bovelander. “As a result, the taboo surrounding abortion remains.”

In addition, Bos in Eigen Belik and Abortion is a Right, who have organized the demonstration, believe that abortion should be accessible to everyone and should be reimbursed for everyone. “For example, some target groups, such as migrant workers or international students, have to pay for an abortion themselves.”
