TH Lübeck is committed to climate protection and energy efficiency

The kick-off workshop for this climate protection project took place on October 1st, 2021. The participating HAW include

  • the Technical University of Deggendorf
  • the Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences
  • the East Bavarian Technical University of Regensburg
  • the Jade College
  • the University of Hanover
  • the Technical University of Ostwestfalen-Lippe
  • the University of Düsseldorf
  • the Technical University of Lübeck and
  • the Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences.

The kick-off workshop demonstrated the high level of motivation and the usefulness of the project. The desire to make active contributions to climate neutrality is not only there, but should be supported by expanding existing activities and promoted by the development of new, creative measures. This should be integrated into a strategy.

Learning from each other is an important component of project design. Especially in this regard, the participants are looking forward to the further course of the project. “With a period of almost three years, there is enough time to develop university-specific measures and to coordinate the transfer of experience,” says project manager Karin Binnewies (HIS-HE). “On the other hand, we also have a very strict project timetable. We want to take action and also measure effects.”

The claim of all participants is to initiate changes and to consolidate this process at their university. The results of this project will be distributed nationwide in the final phase.



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