New round of Region Deals starts | news item

News item | 01-07-2022 | 17:15

At Regio Deals, the central government and the region work together as partners to tackle important tasks in the Netherlands and to increase the general prosperity. Regions can resubmit proposals between 15 July and 15 November. €284.2 million has been reserved for this. Minister Bruins Slot of the Interior and Kingdom Relations explains the procedure and the conditions in a letter to the House of Representatives.

Fourth Round Region Deals

The cabinet has reserved a total of €900 million for the Region Deals. This amount will be divided almost equally over three rounds of new Region Deals. An amount of €284.2 million has been reserved for the fourth round of Region Deals. In addition, the regions themselves also contribute financially. Two more tranches will follow in 2024 and 2025. As in the previous term of office, the selection of the fourth tranche of Region Deals will take into account a balanced distribution across the Netherlands. Special attention is also paid to regions where broad prosperity is under pressure.

Minister Bruins Slot: “Regional Deals work. I was able to see this with my own eyes during the various working visits I made. I am therefore looking forward to closing new deals together with the region. In this way we continue to invest in the potential of our regions and we can contribute to the quality of living, working and living there.”

Procedure and starting moment

Municipalities, provinces, knowledge and cultural institutes, entrepreneurs and social organizations together create an integrated approach that fits the tasking and DNA of the area and can submit proposals between 15 July and 15 November 2022 via . At the beginning of 2023, the cabinet will then decide which proposals will be worked out jointly by the central government and the region into a Regional Deal. The aim is to close the deals of this fourth round by mid-2023.
