Pastor (93) died after a very last visit to his parishioners

Pastor Piet Vissers died Friday morning at the age of 93 in a hospice in Veldhoven. In May, the Wish Ambulance Foundation brought him to his church and parish in Wintelre for the last time. This led to an impressive tribute that the pastor has enjoyed for a long time to come. “He beamed from ear to ear every time it was discussed.”

Written by

Lobke Kapteijns

His health has deteriorated in recent days, say Sjan Klessens (his domestic help for 29 years) and Riny Reniers (church board). “He got a little more discomfort but has been in good spirits all this time. He went to sleep peacefully, he was ready,” said Riny.

“He really enjoyed the attention that day, he found it overwhelming.”

The farewell to his parish in May made a great impression on him. “He has never had such a good day as then.”

Photos of that day were then hung in his room. And every day the care staff offered to watch the film again. “You saw him beaming every time. He really enjoyed the attention that day, he found it overwhelming,” says Sjan.

“A sweet man, compassionate, who knows everyone by name.”

Wintel riders we spoke to during the tribute all said the same thing: Pastor Vissers is a man of the people. A sweet man, compassionate, who knows everyone by name. One of the villagers said, “I hope the gates of heaven will be open to him as soon as he comes.”

According to Riny and Sjan, that is the case. “He’s at the back of heaven where he can see everything. He was satisfied, he was ready, then it’s good.”

Pastor Piet Vissers will be buried in Wintelre on Wednesday 6 July.

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ALSO READ: Sick pastor says goodbye to parish: ‘Hope that heaven’s gate is open’
