When the killer brother sees Maryam’s body, he gets sick…

By Anne Losensky

Day 23 in the murder trial of Yousuf Sayed (27) and Mahdi Seyed H. (23) from Afghanistan.

On July 13, 2021, her sister Maryam (34) disappeared. Videos from the Südkreuz train station show the brothers lugging a heavy trolley suitcase to the train to Munich. They are silent.

Hidden behind aluminum cardboard: The brothers Sayed (26) and Seyed H. (23) are said to have murdered their sister

Hidden behind aluminum cardboard on a previous day of the trial: The brothers Sayed (27) and Seyed H. (23) are said to have murdered their sister Photo: Olaf Wagner

On August 5, 2021, Chief Inspector Christian S. (40) and his team dug up Maryam’s body in Bavaria. 75 photos are projected onto the wall in the courtroom.

A dirt track, a bushy hill, tall nettles. Maryam’s grave: a hole in the ground, 110 cm long, 65 cm wide, 60 cm deep. “An old rubbish dump,” says the inspector, “that’s where people dumped rubbish.”

Next image: Maryam’s body. She is lying on her side, covered in dirt. The head in a blue garbage bag. Hands tied with tape. “Embryonic position,” says the inspector. The older brother looks away, he is said to have buried the body like this. The younger brother cranes his neck curiously. Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Mutzel (57, University of Munich) was the post mortem. “We didn’t know what to expect,” she says.

58th photo. The younger brother gets sick. The first emotion since the trial began! Break. After that, the brothers just don’t look anymore.

On July 13, 2021, Maryam disappeared in Berlin.  Her body was later found

On July 13, 2021, Maryam disappeared in Berlin. Her body was later found Photo: private

The next photos: the mouth and nose are wrapped in silver duct tape up to the eyes. A black scarf. A gaping neck cut, 16 cm long. “Deep down to the spine,” says the post mortem. Throttling from behind, blocked airways, throat cut “dying or afterwards”, that’s how it could have been.

Lots of open questions. Why was the zipper on her jeans only halfway up? Why are the panties missing? A foreign hair is said to have been found in the intimate area…

The verdict is scheduled for October 10th.
