‘I am ashamed that my grandfather was a farmer’

Angela de Jong believes that the farmers are going too far with their protests against the nitrogen policy. She’s pretty done with it. “For the first time I am ashamed that I am a farmer’s granddaughter.”


Rioting farmers broke through a police blockade at the home of nitrogen minister Christianne van der Wal on Tuesday evening. Angela de Jong thinks it is going way too far. She admonishes the farmers in her dreaded AD column† “I notice that I am increasingly annoyed by the farmers.”

stupid statements

Angela thinks you shouldn’t drive around with coffins or smash the doors of provincial houses. She also believes that farmers sometimes make ‘downright stupid statements’. The foreman of Farmers Defense Force compared the situation in which the farmers in our country find themselves, for example, with that of the Jews during the Second World War.

Unbelievable, Angela thinks. “And then, in front of Jair’s microphone, blame ‘left media’ that ‘frame’ everything.”

‘I am ashamed!’

Until recently, Angela mainly had feelings of sympathy for farmers. “But the feeling farmers have been giving me since Tuesday evening is new.”

She speaks of ‘horrifying images of a pack of farmers gone wild’. “I thought of Van der Wal’s family that was at home at the time of the actions.”

Then pruned hard: “For the first time I am ashamed that I am a farmer’s granddaughter.”

New picture

Incidentally, since yesterday there is a new photo in Angela’s daily column. On this she poses with her new favorite earrings. Many people are excited. “What a nice new picture of you!” someone says.
