The copla, the ‘cuplet nostrat’ and Vaseline

In this new summer musical contest, which TV-3 has just released under the title ‘La gran vetllada’, we must highlight the stupendous rarity of having included the singer Gloria Ribera. She is a very unique artist: she vindicates the copla as her own art, and you invite her to eat and she doesn’t stop singing ‘Fumando I hope’ in the style Sarita Montielor that funny ‘Come joy, gentlemen come joy’ that he sang Mary Sanpereor that other one that popularized Amalia Molina titled ‘The Deputy’.

It’s possible that some ‘pal de paller’ from ‘Corpo’ itself got furious when they heard in ‘la seva’ that a young Catalan from Guissona even adapted songs from Dew Swornlike that very entertaining version he made of ‘Viva el pasodoble’, changing the lyrics of Manuel Alejandro for this other verse «Em faré les ungles de gel / i no agafaré la baixa si em cauen el dits» with grace and a stupendous sense of humor. And on top of that, furthermore, that he declares himself a total and absolute fan of Rachel Meller which must have caused a deep trauma. oh! There is an idea of ​​Catalonia, totally disoriented and perverted, that has been trying for some years to cover up, ignore, silence and deny the existence of the copla and the cuplé in the Catalan musical roots. They despise and hide the fact that the first authentically Catalan ‘cuplet’ was born in Les Garrigues, in 1917, the work of Rossend Llurba i Tost and music from Joan Sune, titled ‘The fountain of the Xirineu’. She sang it exactly Rachel Mellerin perfect Catalan.

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In 1996 the versatile Barcelona actress Silvia Tortosa starred in a compilation of spicy couplets edited by Divucsa. Of the 14 songs selected, one entitled ‘La vaselina’ (which I already sang the beautiful dorita in El Molino in the 1930s) and where a newlywed recounts, with notable mischief, that for the honeymoon her mother, a wise and cautious lady, has placed a good load of Vaseline in her suitcase. oh! This cuplé is very current. Right now on TV-3, when they tell what is happening with the processing of Laura Borras, they also smear the information with a lot of Vaseline.

Going back to ‘La gran vetllada’, the appearance of Gloria Ribera Placing, with great grace, the copla and the couplet on TV-3, it seems to me a fundamental recovery of the true story, and not of the invented story that some pretend has happened.
