Waylon: ‘Bibi and I will solve it together’ | gossip

“It’s going well,” Waylon says about his relationship status with Bibi. “I made that statement, of course, in response to all the rumours. And I want to leave it at that. This is a private matter. We will solve it together.”

The family already has vacation plans. “Scandinavia is the plan for this year. So I think we’ll take Scandinavia for a few weeks.”

‘I’m an asshole’

Earlier this month, juice channels shared that Waylon had cheated on his girlfriend while she was pregnant with their child, born last month. The singer then admitted in a now-deleted message on Instagram that he had “fouled”. “I want to be a better father than I have been a friend,” he wrote. “I love my family the most and that’s what I screwed up. The only thing Bibi deserved now is to be able to enjoy her maternity period in peace, and I even took that away from her. I’m an asshole! I’m sorry Biebs.”

VIDEO: Wilson Boldewijn and reporter Jordi Versteegden the images showing Waylon being pelted with beer, Tuesday evening at the AvroTros Music Festival in Houten.
