Farmers remain angry, but nitrogen plans just come | NOW

After two days of wild farmers’ campaigns, the nitrogen targets that the cabinet presented a few weeks ago proudly stand. In the meantime, the tone towards politicians is getting tougher and farmer Koos Cromwijk, now a well-known talk show guest, is aiming for a place in the Provincial Council on behalf of the BBB of Caroline van der Plas.

A police car was hit by a tractor, hay bales were set on fire in front of a city hall, manure was spread on the highway and drivers were intimidated.

The harvest of two days of farmers’ protest this week.

Prime Minister Mark Rutte, who has so far kept quiet, calls it “unacceptable” at a press conference on Tuesday.

“We will always defend the right to demonstrate,” added Justice and Security Minister Dilan Yesilgöz. “But fundamental rights should not be abused.”

Rutte reminds farmers that acidified soil due to too much nitrogen is also detrimental to the agricultural sector itself. And he also points out that the judge will prohibit the construction of roads and houses if nothing is done now. “So the nitrogen measures are necessary,” said the prime minister.

Atmosphere towards politicians with a different opinion is getting grim

Less than an hour after that call, a few dozen farmers gather with their tractors and two cows in front of the entrance to the House of Representatives building. This is because a vote is being taken on the motions that were submitted to the nitrogen debate last week.

After that debate, farmer Cromwijk suddenly became a well-known Dutchman. He expressed his frustrations in front of some MPs. BBB MP Van der Plas (BBB) ​​put the emotional speech on Twitter.

“Since then I have had little time for my cows,” says Cromwijk at the protest in front of the House of Representatives building. He is there because he sees it as his task to interpret the sound of the farmers. “I have already expressed my despair here in The Hague and in the media.”

The farmers receive support from MPs who come to take a look. PVV leader Geert Wilders denounces Rutte’s performance, while he strokes a cow. “He’s just adding fuel to the fire.” Member of parliament Wybren van Haga puts on a shirt with the text ‘Proud of the farmer’. Van der Plas has been walking around for days with a peasant scarf.

But the mood changes when D66 MP Tjeerd de Groot comes out. There is a whistle and some protesters berate him. Last week, De Groot was advised against coming to the farmers’ protest in Stroe by the security service.

The atmosphere towards the D66 members has become more grim compared to previous farmers’ demonstrations.

Farmers protest at the House of Representatives building.

Farmers protest at the House of Representatives building.

Farmers protest at the House of Representatives building.

Photo: AP

Farmer Cromwijk aims for a place in the Provincial Council for BBB

That desperation stems from politicians’ ignoring the farmers. A wrong choice, says Cromwijk. “The sector came up with its own plan in 2019, but we are not being listened to.”

At least, not by all parties, because Cromwijk still sees allies in BBB, PVV, Van Haga and Pieter Omtzigt. He does not mention the CDA – traditionally the farmers’ party. “If Derk (CDA MP Boswijk, ed.) really stands for the farmers, he will speak out at the moment. Then he will not say: ‘In ten years you will be grateful to me’.”

When asked what he will do in ten years’ time, he answers with a smile: “Then I’ll be in politics.” Cromwijk, who used to be SGP voted and also sympathized with FVD and PVV, joins the BBB of Van der Plas, which he had received at home on Friday evening. “I now have half a week of experience in politics. I feel it is so much needed now.”

He hopes for a place in the Provincial Council of Utrecht on behalf of BBB after the elections in March next year, although he still has a hand in his hand. “That list has not yet been compiled.” Van der Plas confirms that Cromwijk has registered with her party.

The protests ultimately have no effect on the nitrogen plans. The call to adjust the nitrogen policy is supported by only 32 MPs (107 are against). Other attempts to change the government’s course are also rejected by a large majority.

Towards the end of the afternoon the farmers return home.
