Jan Ščotka has terminated his contract with JYP

Jan Ščotka’s new club is HC Kometa Brno from the Czech main series.

Jan Ščotka was the captain of the JYP for one season. Vesa Pöppönen / All Over Press

Czech national team leader and last captain of JYP Jan Shchotka has terminated its contract with the Jyväskylä Association.

There was one more contract left for the defender, but the Czech decided to exercise his foreign option on the contract, says JYP on their website.

At the same time, the new club in Ščotka was confirmed. He goes to the ranks of his home country HC Kometa Brno. I’m following website he reveals that the changes made by JYP, especially in the coaching ladder, did not please him.

– Renewing the entire coaching leadership and building a new team seemed wrong to me. I would not have had a similar role and a similar space on the field.

JYP announced the club as the new head coach Jukka Rautakorven and will become his assistant coach Ville Nieminen. Rautakorpi jumps into a three-year contract from Tappara’s sports director’s site.

The team has been sold with numerous player acquisitions since the arrival of the duo. The most famous purchases are at the mouth Eetu Laurikainen and attack Robert Rooba mixed Juuso Puustinen.

Ščotka won in May Kari Jalosen under the auspices of the World Cup bronze in the Czech national team. He played in the Finnish Championships in one season with powers of 1 + 7. He has previously puck in the Czech main series Litvínov and Dynamo Pardubice.
