Protesting farmers block highway, traffic jam on A67 | Inland

According to Stan Wolfhagen of Farmers Defense Force South Limburg, the A67 was chosen because it runs close to or through a Natura 2000 area. As a result of the protest, there is now a considerable traffic jam.

Scattered throughout the country, there are Monday actions by protesting farmers who do not agree with the approach chosen by the cabinet to tackle the nitrogen problem. The protests were already announced over the weekend. For example, action group Farmers Defense Force (FDF) warned that it would ‘fire away’ from noon. It was unclear exactly where the actions would take place. FDF claims that it does not coordinate or organize the actions itself.

Peasant Revolt

Farmers’ action club Agractie once again appealed to Minister Christianne van der Wal of Nature and Nitrogen to abandon the government plans for nitrogen policy. “Do not continue on the chosen path,” said foreman Bart Kemp in a video message. “Don’t let a peaceful peasant action escalate into a peasant uprising.”
