Storm gusts and heavy rain expected in Berlin and Brandenburg

Anyone who was out with an umbrella on Thursday probably had to sacrifice it to the gusts of wind

At the beginning of the week there should be severe thunderstorms in Berlin Photo: fdt kde

From BZ/dpa

People in Berlin and Brandenburg have to be prepared for heat and thunderstorms at the start of the week.

Of the Monday begins initially sunny and dry, as the German Weather Service (DWD) announced on Monday morning. In the course of midday, it will increasingly move in from the west and from the afternoon onwards, more thunderstorms, some of them strong, are to be expected.

According to the forecast, heavy rain, hail and gusts of wind of up to 100 kilometers per hour are also expected locally. The maximum values ​​are therefore between 32 and 36 degrees. During the night the temperatures drop to 19 to 15 degrees. According to the DWD, showers and thunderstorms are to be expected in some areas at night.

At the Tuesday according to the forecast, the weather situation will calm down a bit. The day starts out cloudy at first, then the sun comes out over the course of the day. According to the forecast, there can only be occasional rain and thunderstorms in Lower Lusatia. The maximum values ​​are between 26 and 29 degrees. Showers and thunderstorms are expected in southern Brandenburg during the night. Temperatures drop to between 19 and 14 degrees.

At the Wednesday According to the DWD, heavy showers and thunderstorms are expected again. The temperatures rise to highs of between 27 and 32 degrees.


Thunderstorm summer in Berlin Thunderstorm in Berlin
