What’s up now? DHB team before a duel with Sweden

Bratislava (dpa) – Sport seemed to be slowly coming back into focus. Then Saturday came – and with it two new corona cases in the German handball players before today’s EM duel with Sweden (6 p.m. / ARD) in Bratislava.

After two days without new bad Corona news from the players’ camp, backcourt player Christoph Steinert and circle runner Sebastian Firnhaber tested positive. What does that mean for the game against the record European champions? And what is it even about?

Is the semifinal still in?

Theoretically yes. However, the DHB selection no longer has the entry into the knockout round in its own hands. In order to keep the chance, a win against the Swedes is needed. In view of the continuing tense personnel situation, this will be difficult enough. In addition, after the defeats against Spain and Norway, another opponent from the extended circle of favorites is waiting for the DHB selection. And the Swedes are in good shape. The Scandinavians, who are equipped with a few Bundesliga professionals, started the main round with two comfortable victories against Russia and Poland.

Does the DHB team even have a chance?

Against Spain (23:29) and Norway (23:28) it became clear that this mixed DHB selection cannot keep up at this level. Who can blame her? After the positive tests by Steinert and Firnhaber, the number of corona cases in the German team increased to 13. National coach Alfred Gislason had to nominate a number of players for the tournament in Slovakia and Hungary, and goalkeeper Daniel Rebmann had never played an international match before . In this constellation, it will also be extremely difficult against the Swedes.

Will players return to the roster?

That is still unclear. Backcourt player Julius Kühn was the first DHB player to test positive a week ago. According to the tournament rules, he could theoretically have returned against the Spaniards on Thursday, assuming two negative PCR tests. But even on Friday for the game against the Norwegians, Kühn’s test results still didn’t show the results that would have been necessary for a return. On Sunday, other players like Timo Kastening or Kai Häfner would also have completed the prescribed minimum isolation of five days. But even with them it is unclear whether they can present the necessary negative tests.

Are there any other corona cases?

That too is still unclear. On Saturday afternoon after training, the team again completed PCR tests. The results are expected to be communicated on Sunday. It could well be that there will be more corona cases. Steinert, who recently tested positive, was still on the plate with his teammates in the game against Norway.


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