This fox is the first passenger of the day

Rare passenger: the fox at the Tegelort stop

Rare passenger: the fox at the Tegelort stop Photo: Sonja Henschel

By Johannes Malinowski

Even the BVG in colorful Berlin doesn’t have such a passenger every day!

Bus driver Sonja Henschel (23) was amazed when she looked in the rear-view mirror at half past six on Wednesday morning at the Tegelort bus stop.

Two pointed ears looked up between the seats. A fox has made himself comfortable on the 222 bus (Tegelort–Lübars).

Before the journey started, the driver, who celebrated her birthday that day, quickly snapped a few photos of her stowaway. “I just had to capture the image,” she says.

With a whistle she made the fox get out again. It is unclear whether he had a ticket.


BVG animals
