Medemblik has to cut almost 6 million euros, or comes under the supervision of the province

If Medemblik still wants to have its own wallet, the municipality will have to intervene strongly. That is the message of the province of North Holland. A total of 5.7 million euros must be found in the coming budget. If not, Medemblik will come under financial supervision and will have to request permission from the province for any decision.

The municipality has long financial problems† Especially because the care tasks are becoming more and more expensive. As a financial supervisor, the province therefore rebuked Medemblik. Because an adjustment of the budget was promised, preventive supervision was abandoned. But in the end that didn’t happen.

Among other things, 2.5 million euros would be earmarked to improve its own organisation. In the end it was only 800,000 euros. “In the end, no euro was invested in capacity for environmental law,” according to the province. And that while the situation regarding permits, supervision and enforcement is worrying.

Province regrets

This month there was a meeting between a delegation from the city council and deputy Ilse Zaal. He said that trust had been broken. “The province trusted that Medemblik would take steps and they did not. On reflection, the province would have preferred preventive financial supervision,” a spokesperson said in a response.

The deputy’s message was clear. In order to become financially healthy, a total of 5.7 million euros must be found in the budget for 2023. Either by cutting back or by raising more money. And the residents will notice.

Tax up 30 percent

The councilors recognize the problems that exist. Luiten Plekker of Municipal Interests indicates that several painful choices have already been made, such as renovating the Zeehoek swimming pool in Wervershoof instead of building a new one. Tom Beuker from TOMORROW! says that the property tax has already been increased twice. last year by 14 percent

The report states that the council is not unsympathetic to a new increase in municipal taxes. The draft agreement of the new coalition (CDA, Municipal Interests, MORGEN! and D66) even states that the property tax with 30 percent is increased

Until the end of this year, Medemblik will therefore have one last chance from the province to come up with an acceptable budget. Otherwise it will be placed under supervision, as a result of which the municipality will lose all freedom, and it will first have to submit all expenses to the province.

A message that seems to have arrived. Because as the new coalition put it in their agreement: ‘It’s all hands on deck’.
