Bibi Breijman is done with Yvonne Coldeweijer: ‘You are too hard!’

Despite their friendship, Bibi Breijman is done with Yvonne Coldeweijer. She thinks the juice queen has been too harsh on her cheating husband Waylon. “She blocked me.”


Yvonne Coldeweijer has been aware of Waylon’s cheating since last year, but has not done anything about it because she did not want to endanger Bibi Breijman’s pregnancy. Now that she has recently given birth, the news has come out through her fellow juice channel Juice Channel and Yvonne has finally made a video about it.

Yvonne critical

Since Yvonne can lynch cheating men, she was pretty fierce in her video. Waylon confirmed his cheating last Friday in a sorry message on Instagram, but deleted that message yesterday. It seems that Bibi has forgiven him. His punishment was a series of embarrassing photos on Instagram.

Waylon gets away with it way too easily, Yvonne thinks. She reacted cynically yesterday when he deleted his sorry message again. “So. Post deleted. Forgive and forget ? Has a week already passed?”

Bibi angry

Bibi thinks Waylon is being treated too hard by Yvonne. “I have just received a message from Bibi, in which she indicates that she does not agree with my stories about the whole situation and how I express myself about it,” she writes on her juice channel

She continues: “Since I have known Bibi personally for several years, there are also more of my own emotions involved. I’m just really pissed off at Waylon about what he did to her and his family. At all times, Bibi’s interests come first for me, but that doesn’t mean I can’t express myself critically about the situation.”

‘She thinks I’m too hard’

Yvonne, who has not seen Bibi for a few years, finds her too forgiving. “I understand that it is extra difficult because there are children involved, but I hope that Bibi also looks at what is good for herself. She deserves nothing but the best, but I sometimes get the idea as if she has to see that herself.”

She continues: “This touches me, because no woman deserves such treatment and no man should get away with it so easily. Bibi sees this differently and thinks I’m too hard on it. I wanted to give her a call after her message, but found out that she has blocked me. I am sorry to hear that.”

Preferential treatment

Is Yvonne disappointed that her juice now that her friendship with Bibi has come to an end? “In situations like this, the dividing line between private life and work is very difficult. Despite the fact that I have tried to take Bibi into account as much as possible in private, as a juice channel I cannot and do not want to give any celebrities preferential treatment at the same time.”

“Not even Waylon. Despite all this, I wish Bibi and her children the best. Whether with or without Waylon. I’m just giving my opinion as always (and always will be), but of course it’s her life and her decision.”


Yvonne’s stories:
