Without these officers, Berlin would only be half as safe!

By Axel Lier

They protect demonstrations and football matches. They support raids, riots in parks and even help out in other federal states. Without the riot police, the capital would be at least half as safe!

But what price do the 2,300 officials pay so that we can live safely? SPD interior expert Tom Schreiber (43) asked the interior administration for facts and figures. The answers are exclusively available to BZ.


Compared to 2021, 1840 hours have been added. The total is now 339,825 hours! Attempts are being made to grant officials time off in lieu or to pay them out.

If serious criminals are among the perpetrators, riot police officers with submachine guns and pistols drawn move in

If serious criminals are among the perpetrators, riot police officers with submachine guns and pistols drawn move in Photo: Olaf Wagner


The need for investment has risen massively – from 108.4 million euros last year to 143.4 million euros now. Reason: increased construction costs and energetic renovations.

Protected Free

There are weekends when the officials are guaranteed not to have to work. But: Last year, the “protected free” was lifted 19 times – this year, however, not yet. But in 2021 there were exactly 433 times “shifts in working hours” or “short-term alarms” – this year there were already 96.


There are 2368 service jobs on paper. However, calculations are made in so-called full-time equivalents. The comparison makes it clear: All three riot police departments (BPA) are chronically understaffed! “All vacant positions are planned for taking on the trainees,” says the Senate Department for the Interior.

SPD interior expert Tom Schreiber (43) sat in on all 16 operational teams and knows their most pressing problems

SPD interior expert Tom Schreiber (43) sat in on all 16 operational teams and knows their most pressing problems Photo: Olaf Selchow

support missions

Hundreds of people from Berlin are currently protecting the G-7 summit in Bavaria. In 2021, the officials went to other federal states 16 times, and there have already been 22 missions this year. Most in Brandenburg (10) and Saxony-Anhalt (6).


This year there were no new vehicles for the riot police. After all, 100 new vehicles have been procured in the past two years.

SPD politician Tom Schreiber: “The proposal to set up an additional operational group is unnecessary if the existing units are understaffed. Berlin, with its countless demos, has to renegotiate with the federal government about more personnel relief.
