The Poll: I fully support the farmers’ campaign

Today thousands of farmers are protesting against the government’s nitrogen plans. The farmers have to reduce their livestock because they emit too many harmful substances. The farmers have the feeling that the nitrogen problem is being thrown over the fence. What do you think, do you support the farmers’ protest?

Yesterday evening the first farmers left Texel and the rest followed this morning, on the tractor, in the direction of Stroe. They protest against the new nitrogen plans of the Dutch government. In North Holland, this means that nitrogen emissions around Natura 2000 areas must be reduced by seventy percent. This would have forced many farms to close. Also young farmerswho want to take over the family business from their parents, have a gloomy view.

Traffic jams

The protest has also not gone unnoticed on the roads. The farmers were not allowed to use their tractors on the highway, but they disregarded this ban en masse. There were long traffic jams all over the country.


The protesting farmers can count on relatively much support from the population, reports newspaper Trouw† Trouw conducted a survey and found that 45 percent of those polled “fully” support the protest. Compared to October, this percentage has increased by seven percent. How about you? Do you fully support the farmers’ protest?
