First €30 million for green hydrogen demonstration projects | news item

News item | 22-06-2022 | 09:59

From 21 June, the Demonstration Energy and Climate Innovation (DEI+) scheme will be open with a new theme: Hydrogen and Green Chemistry. The scheme supports companies and knowledge institutions in carrying out innovative demonstration projects that lead to CO2 reduction by 2030. €30 million is available for this. Projects can request support in the field of hydrogen production, hydrogen transport and storage and the application of hydrogen. The scheme is open until January 10, 2023 and operates on a ‘first come, first served’ principle.

Minister Jetten for Climate and Energy: “This is an important step in the upscaling of hydrogen applications. This is the first subsidy scheme to support demonstration projects for the upscaling of hydrogen and green chemistry. These projects will then share their lessons with the R&D program of GroenkrachtNL. This way we ensure that there is a strong basis for hydrogen projects at scale.”

This scheme is part of the National Growth Fund Programme”Green energy of the Dutch economyGreen powerNL† The aim of this program is to accelerate the production, storage, transport and application of green hydrogen by supporting innovation and cost reduction. GroenkrachtNL does this via three pillars:

  1. Upscaling: the realization of hydrogen projects at scale;
  2. Research and development: coordination of research and innovation;
  3. Knowledge development: labor capacity and knowledge through retraining and training

A total of €600 million has been made available by the cabinet for the first pillar. In the first round of the National Growth Fund, €100 million of this has been made available for small-scale pilot and demonstration projects. In the second round, it was announced in April that the government is making €500 million available for the significant upscaling of green hydrogen and green chemistry. The opening of the DEI+ theme Hydrogen and Green Chemistry marks the start of the first pillar with a budget of almost €30 million.

Marjan Oudeman, chair of the program board of GroenkrachtNL: “With this opening, GroenkrachtNL will actually start. The research and development program will also start this summer. As a board, we stimulate intensive knowledge exchange between the demonstration projects and the research.”

More information about the DEI+ scheme can be found on the website of RVO
