Notorious Eindhoven criminal shot in front of his house in Namibia

The Eindhoven criminal Roland Masolijn was murdered on Monday afternoon in front of his house in Namibia. This is confirmed by local authorities in the country. The native of Brabant was washing his car when he was shot dead in broad daylight. Masolijn was imprisoned in the Netherlands for years for a murder and was suspected of being involved in a disappearance.

The 54-year-old Masolijn is a well-known figure in the Dutch underworld and was known by the nickname ‘Puntkop’. In 2001, the Brabander was convicted of the murder of Michel Stuiver in Eindhoven, reports the Eindhovens Dagblad† He was also in the picture for the disappearance of a large ecstasy baron from Nederweert.

For the past three years, Masolijn has lived in Namibia, where he lived with his girlfriend. According to the local police chief, he would be illegally staying in the country with an expired residence permit.

two bullets
According to the police chief, Masolijn was shot dead just outside the gate of his home in the town of Swakopmund around 4 p.m. on Monday afternoon. One bullet hit him in his right buttock, the other in his face. A passer-by found him moments later in a pool of blood.

The perpetrator immediately fled after the murder, but was captured by various surveillance cameras. Local authorities have circulated those images, hoping to find the shooter soon.

In Masolijn’s car, the police found cocaine, three mobile phones and several thousand Namibian dollars worth of cash. The police also found 120 boxes full of bullets in a safe.
