Defense and Security training is a great success

Defense and Security training is a great success

They are also going to expand the direction there to three classes. But there is still a waiting list. Defense and Security can be followed in 16 schools in Flanders, in 5th and 6th secondary. In West Flanders, MSKA also offers the training in Roeselare.

Dieter Caluwier, Defense and Security SIVI Torhout: “We think there are three reasons. Firstly, whether or not fueled by corona in which society was in turmoil, there is a need for structure and discipline. A second reason may be popularity. from certain TV shows around security professions. And perhaps the main reason is that it’s a unique direction.”

A good basic condition is very important in this training. Inigo Verhaeghen, student: “We have two extra hours of PE, that’s called physical preparedness. We work on our condition in that. We have also had to do fire service tests.”

The training prepares the young people well for the selection tests and basic military training. But it is also a good preparation to later become a warden, police officer, firefighter or security officer.
