Day of action: 7,000 people from West Flanders left for Brussels

Day of action: 7,000 people from West Flanders left for Brussels

The unions mainly want more room for wage increases. Now a law limits that to 0.4%. And that while more and more people are having a hard time making ends meet, the unions say. Erik Van Deursen, ABVV: “In recent years, many companies, also in West Flanders, have made more profit, up to 40%. While the current wage agreement only provides for an increase of 0 for workers and employees. .4. From 0.4 to 40, that is 100% difference. That is unreal and unjust. This has to change.”

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The automatic indexes are not enough, you hear here. They don’t increase purchasing power, they just slightly absorb rising prices. Wages just have to go up. Today is a day of action to wake up politicians and employers, it is not a strike, but that can still come. Katrien Boudrez, ACV: “It is a brave action today, but I assure you, if there is no positive signal from the government, it will be a hot autumn.”
