Case study: how insurtech Garantme succeeded in boosting its growth on the product side?

Case study: how insurtech Garantme succeeded in boosting its growth on the product side? – Century Digital

Webinars > Company > Case study: how insurtech Garantme succeeded in boosting its growth on the product side?

The speakers from Garantme will come back to the development of its start-up, the product function and the key role of Bpifrance in its development.

By Bpifrance
06/29/2022 at 5:00 p.m.

Bpifrance Le Hub, operational partner for the growth of startups, launches Hub Tracks. This is a digital meeting during which a CEO of a startup supported by Bpifrance le Hub meets, an employee of this startup and an Operating Partner who has worked on its support. The first event will be held on Wednesday, June 29, 2022 at 5 p.m. For this first edition, the speakers will discuss the development of the insurtech Garantme.

Emile Karam, CPO & Co-founder of Garantme and Nevyana Delhomme, Lead Product Manager within the company, will therefore be alongside Octave Letellier, Club Product Manager at Bpifrance Le Hub, to share their experience with you.

The experts will return to the product function, where the start-up shone. They will share advice that can be applied quickly in your business.

Here is the program for this webinar:

  • Presentation of Garantme;
  • Focus on the support of Garantme by Bpifrance;
  • Feedback (their takeover of Loumi, good practices, etc.);
  • A question and answer session.

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