World Refugee Day: the situation is tragic

ORday, June 20, is the World Refugee Day. This is an appointment sanctioned by the United Nations General Assembly for raise awareness of the plight of millions of refugees, asylum seekers and displaced persons around the world.

Having to escape from wars and persecutions, many people are forced to leave their families and homes. And to seek salvation elsewhere. Away from home. By all.

The problem of food rations

On this important day they arrive some worrying data from the UN World Food Program (WFP). The agency indeed reported that she was forced to significantly reduce rations to refugees in its interventions.

The Executive Director of WFP David Beasley he explained: “With global hunger growing far beyond the resources available to feed all the families in dire need of WFP help. we are forced to make the heartbreaking decision to cut food rations for refugees who count on us to survive ».

And he continued: “Without urgent new funds to support refugees – among the most vulnerable and forgotten groups in the world – many at risk of hunger will be forced to pay with their lives“.

The problem of food in Africa

In Africa in particular, the situation is truly dramatic. Three quarters of the refugees assisted by the WFP in East Africa have suffered these ration cuts. The hardest hit live in Ethiopia, Kenya, South Sudan And Uganda.

With regard to West Africa, over the past decade, hunger levels have reached tremendous figures. And the food rations reserved for Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Chad, Mali, Mauritania And Niger they have shrunk considerably.

Also in theSouthern Africa there is a serious crisis taking place. THE 500 thousand refugees assisted in the countries of this area they see their chances of continuing to receive such help reduced. Imminent outages are expected in Angola, Malawi, Mozambique, Republic of the Congo, Tanzania And Zimbabwe.

On July 27, 2021, about 894 Qemant newcomers who fled the Gondar area of ​​Ethiopian Amhara region were reported in the village of Taya in Sudan. Credit: World Food Program

The war in Ukraine resulted in 6 million new refugees

They add to the complex situation in Africa new problems. First of all the conflict in Ukrainewhich has pushed, in recent months, about 6 million people to flee the country.

A tragedy that adds to the unavailability of rations due to limited rationing. In response to this crisis in particular, WFP in Moldova delivered nearly 475,000 hot meals in 31 different locations to families affected by the conflict.

Ipsos data: with the war in Ukraine, positive attitudes towards refugees have increased

While WFP looks forward to the arrival of sustained investments in programs that promote the self-sufficiency of refugee populations, an international survey of Ipsos conducted in 28 countries (including Italy) investigated citizens’ perceptions of refugees.

According to the study, 78% of respondents agree that people should be able to take refuge in other countries – including your own – to escape wars or persecutions. Only 16% disagree.

Italy expresses the highest degree of agreement: our fellow citizens have in fact shown themselves in favor of the entry into their country of the greatest number of people seeking asylum “for escape violent wars / conflicts“(66%) or”natural disasters / effects of climate change“(54%).

The crisis in Ukraine, therefore, according to Ipsos has pushed a a notable increase in positive attitudes towards refugees.

War, the odyssey of a Syrian-Palestinian refugee

War, the odyssey of a Syrian-Palestinian refugee

Together #WithRifugeesthe UNHCR Italy campaign

On the occasion of the World Refugee Day, UNHCR Italy – UN refugee agency – launched the campaign Together #WithRefugees. It is an initiative for “raise public awareness of the right of all refugees to be protected, whoever they are and from wherever they come“.

Chiara CardolettiUNHCR Representative for Italy, the Holy See and San Marino, said: “Access to asylum is essential but the protection is concretely manifested only through a fair process of social and economic integration in the host country“.

He concluded: “In fact, finding asylum is only the beginning: once out of danger, refugees need opportunities to overcome trauma, put their talent to good use, train, work and contribute to the country that welcomed them ».

