Red-Green-Red defends majority – Union and FDP increase

147 women and men are members of the Berlin Parliament, which was newly elected in September

View of the Berlin Parliament (symbol image) Photo: DAVIDS/DARMER

From Hildburg Bruns

In the current Berlin trend of the opinion research institute INSA for BILD and BZ there are slight differences to the last survey from December.

Compared to the INSA survey six months ago, the CDU has gained two percentage points and now comes to 21 percent. The FDP improves by one point and comes to 8 percent. The left has to give up three points and falls to 12 percent. SPD (21 percent) and AfD (8 percent) each lose one point. Bündnis90/Die Grünen maintain their value from the December survey. Other parties come together to 10 percent (+ 2).

The red-green-red government defended its majority with a combined 53 percent. But there would also be parliamentary majorities for a traffic light coalition (49 percent), a Germany coalition (50 percent) and a Jamaica coalition (49 percent).

INSA boss Hermann Binkert: “The left is also weakening in Berlin, but the majority of red-green-red is not endangered.”

For the INSA-Berlin-Trend on behalf of BILD/BZ, a total of 1000 Berliners were surveyed online from June 10th to 15th, 2022. The maximum statistical error tolerance is +/- 3.1 percentage points.


Berlin election red-red-green survey
