Nieuwegein construction playground makes an emergency call to volunteers: ‘It would be a shame if this is no longer there’ | NOW

Building huts, doing crafts, playing outside, getting to know other parents or children. The construction playground in Nieuwegein-Noord has great social importance, but threatens to have to stop after the summer holidays due to a shortage of volunteers. “That’s why we’re making an emergency call.

Not on a screen inside, but outside in nature building huts from pallets, clambering in the playground equipment, tinkering, making things from a hammer and nails. “Playing with the elements in a natural way”, board member Kim van Dalen calls it.

About 35 children come to play here every Wednesday and Saturday afternoon. They come from Batau, but also from the other surrounding districts. The playground originated from a social interest; children who had a harder time at home or who did not go on holiday could enjoy themselves here. ‘Everything and everyone’ is now coming and it has really become a meeting place, says Van Dalen.

According to her, the construction playground is one of the playgrounds in Nieuwegein. “Utrecht has all kinds of larger playgrounds, IJsselstein has several, Houten at least one. Here in Nieuwegein we have a few small playgrounds and two construction playgrounds.

Because that threatens to happen now that not enough volunteers are found for the board. Two board members leave, leaving Van Dalen with only one other person after the summer holidays. “We’re really not going to make it with that.”

Because: there is a building of the foundation itself, everything has to be arranged and rooms are rented out to be able to pay the costs. “The four of us managed to make it. That’s why we’re making an emergency call: please sign up.”

The organization has been looking for 1.5 years. They promote the call on the website, have put up flyers everywhere, shared it on social media and put it in the newsletter, but there are no responses. “We’re in the thick of things.”
