Handball Champions League: Defeat against Barcelona: THW Kiel misses the final

Status: 06/18/2022 8:17 p.m

Handball record champion THW Kiel missed the entry into the Champions League final. The Schleswig-Holsteiners lost their semi-final duel in the Final Four in Cologne against FC Barcelona with 30:34 (18:19).

Coach Filip Jicha’s team was only able to stand up to the defending champions in the first 30 minutes on Saturday evening. After the change of sides, the Bundesliga club was unable to maintain its high level, while the Catalans knew how to continuously improve. The THW meets Veszprem on Sunday (3.15 p.m.) in the game for third place. The top Hungarian club had previously lost their semi-final against KS Vice Kielce by 35:37 (18:16).

Poland’s champions will then duel with Barcelona from 6 p.m. for the “royal class” crown.

THW with outstanding cover work

In the absence of their injured top performers Henrik Pekeler and Sander Sagosen, THW showed an excellent performance in the first section. In defence, 39-year-old Pavel Horak did a good job of replacing regular defense chief Pekeler. Only when the Catalans approached the Czechs at high speed did the veteran have his problems. With a few exceptions, the work against the ball deserved the title “outstanding” before half-time, although world-class keeper Niklas Landin had almost no opportunity to distinguish himself.

Most of the free throws were at “Barca”, which was only able to really show off its enormous individual quality from the middle of the first half.

Kiel achieves success via the district

Only in the 18th minute did the team of former Bundesliga coach Carlos Ortega (TSV Hannover-Burgdorf) take the first lead (10:9). The attacking line of the favorite was even better afterwards. However, Ortega could not be satisfied with the appearance of his guard. The middle block in particular acted too passively in many scenes. Patrick Wiencek, who scored four of the first eight THW goals, benefited from this in the initial phase. In addition to the Kiel colossus, the backcourt right Harald Reinkind and Steffen Weinhold in particular knew how to convince the “Zebras” in a positional attack before half-time.

The fact that Barcelona goalkeeper Gonzalo Pérez de Vargas had to be substituted for Leonel Maciel in the 23rd minute testified to the high quality of the throws from Kiel. When the siren sounded, Wiencek raised his fist despite being 18:19 behind. The circle runner knew: The favorite can be beaten on this day.

THW Kiel – FC Barcelona 30:34 (18:19)

Goals THW Kiel: Wiencek 7, Reinkind 6, Duvnjak 3, Ekberg 3/1, Weinhold 3, Ehrig 2, Zarabec 2, Bilyk 1, Dahmke 1, M. Landin 1, Myrhol 1
FC Barcelona: Gomez Abello 12/5, Mem 4, Cindric 3, Fernández 3, Langaro 3, N´Guessan 3, Fabregas 2, Janc 2, Arino 1, Benali 1
Viewers: 19,250
penalty minutes: 10/12
Disqualification: – / Benali (53rd/unsportsmanlike)

“Zebras” reduce after the break

However, Barcelona then came out of the dressing room more concentrated than the North Germans and went into the majority – Reinkind muttered a two-minute penalty – for the first time with three goals in the lead (23:20/36.). Shortly thereafter, however, Ludovic Fabregas and Thiagus Petrus also had to go to the bench with time penalties, so that the “Zebras” were now in the majority. The Jicha team was initially able to shorten the lead to 22:23 (38th), but then conceded two goals again. When Haniel Langaro gave “Barca” a four-goal lead shortly afterwards (27:23/43.), Kiel’s coach was forced to take a break. Compared to the first section, his team lacked courage and ease. In addition, keeper Landin was still not a factor. After the break, Dario Quenstedt was initially between the posts of the Bundesliga club.

Not to replace Pekeler and Sagosen

But this change did not bring the hoped-for success. The Catalans drew six goals away (32:26/53.), but had to do without pivot Youssef Benali in the closing stages, who saw a red card in the 54th minute. But the “Zebras” could not capitalize on this. In the second round, the German record champion was clearly missing backcourt star Sagosen and defense chief Pekeler. Jicha had no equivalent alternatives available to be able to significantly influence the game.

Wolff moves into the final with Kielce

Previously, national goalkeeper Andreas Wolff had drawn into the final with the Polish series champion Kielce. Coach Talant Dujshebaev’s team, who has already won the “premier class” four times as a coach, laid the foundation for success in the second half with a 4-0 run from 19:20 to 23:20. The Hungarians around the former Kiel backcourt player Rasmus Lauge, who was his team’s most successful thrower with eight goals, were only able to reduce the gap to two goals.

National keeper Andreas Wolff is in the final with Kielce.

Their dream of the first Champions League victory in the club’s history was shattered prematurely, while Kielce can continue to dream of the second “royal class” triumph after 2016. The best shooter of the Dujshebaev team was right winger Arkadiusz Moryto with eight goals.

Veszprem – KS Vive Kielce 35:37 (18:16)

Goals Veszprem: Lauge 8, Strlek 7, Marguc 6/4, P. Nenadic 6, Fathy Omar 4, Blagotinsek 1, Mahé 1, Maqueda 1, A. Nilsson 1
KS Vive Kielce: Moryto 8/3, Karacic 5, A. Dujshebaev 4, Kulesh 4, Tournat 4, D. Dujshebaev 3, Karalek 2, Nahi 2, Sicko 2, B. Vujovic 2, Thrastarson 1
Viewers: 19,250
penalty minutes: 16 / 10
Disqualification: Blagotinsek (34th) / –

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NDR 2 Sports | 06/18/2022 | 11:03 p.m
