KNMI: Code yellow for Limburg due to heat | Inland

The KNMI has announced code yellow for the province of Limburg for this afternoon, due to very high temperatures. The meteorological institute announced this on its website this morning.

There are no warnings in effect for this morning. In the afternoon in Limburg the temperature locally rises to 35 degrees Celsius, for which a heat warning is in effect.

The elderly and people with vulnerable health can develop health problems due to the heat.

In Limburg, Brabant and Gelderland will air quality become ‘bad’ today due to smogthe RIVM health institute reported last night. It advises people who are sensitive to it to stay indoors and to limit heavy physical exertion, especially in the afternoon and early evening.

Smog is created by the accumulation of air pollution on sunny days. The phenomenon can lead to additional respiratory symptoms, such as coughing and shortness of breath, worsening asthma symptoms and a decrease in lung function

The heat will be over on Sunday, KNMI expects.

This afternoon, code yellow applies to the province of Limburg © KNMI
