Handball: Cologne, a place of longing: THW Kiel dreams of a coup in the Champions League

As of: 06/17/2022 8:21 p.m

After winning the Supercup and the DHB Cup, the handball players from THW Kiel are hoping for the really big hit this season at the weekend. They want to win the Champions League. In the semifinals on Saturday, a big chunk is waiting: FC Barcelona.

Cologne! The name alone is enough to put Filip Jicha in a good mood. No wonder, given his experiences there: the Czech-born took part in the Final Four seven times in the 19,750-seat arena, and he was allowed to raise the trophy three times. Twice as a player, once as a coach for THW Kiel. The last time at an unusual date, because of Corona between Christmas and New Year’s Eve 2020. The ranks were empty, which made the victory celebration special. It was still very nice, according to Jicha.

Finally, the favored FC Barcelona was clearly defeated in the final with 33:28. There will be a reunion with the record winner of the premier class on Saturday (6 p.m.) in Cologne. In the semifinals – before a full house. The 40-year-old coach of Schleswig-Holstein can hardly wait: “In my opinion, this event is the best thing you can have in club handball, maybe in handball at all. The quality of the teams is unbelievable. The Champions League is the cream of the crop de la crème – that is what is always unforgettable.”

Schedule Final Four in Cologne:

  • Saturday, 3:15 p.m.: HC Veszprém – KS Kielce
  • Saturday, 6 p.m.: THW Kiel – FC Barcelona
  • Sunday, 3:15 p.m.: Match for 3rd place
  • Sunday, 6 p.m.: Final

“Zebras” without two important supports

The signs speak a little more clearly in favor of the Catalans than a year and a half ago, with the North Germans losing two key players in defender Hendrik Pekeler (torn Achilles tendon) and backcourt shooter Sander Sagosen (fractured ankle). And so the “Zebras” want to compensate for this loss of individual class with compactness as a team.

“Our big plus is that we are a homogeneous squad and very well attuned, that other players can also take on this responsibility,” said backcourt player Steffen Weinhold to NDR. “We don’t have such a broad squad, but the players who play – we can rely on them one hundred percent.”

Kiel want to ignite energy from the ranks

The Cologne location, so they hope at THW, will certainly release a few more forces. After all, it can be assumed that the Kielers will also be supported by other German spectators in addition to their fan block, the “weiße Wand”.

“But first we have to come up with our energy and performance and infect the audience with it. That’s up to us. And we definitely won’t hide, we’ll do everything we can and show that we believe in a fairy tale and are working on it,” assured Jicha .

However, the people from Kiel have gladly accepted the outsider role, and they also cultivate it. “If we play ten games against Barcelona, ​​we would lose eight. And if we want to beat Barça, we need a small sporting sensation,” said Jicha. But then comes the verbal tempo counterattack: “If Barça wants to go to the final, they have to beat us first. We’ll be there, we have a plan.” The coach relies on his team’s mentality: “We’ve had countless games this season that we won in the last ten minutes because we believed in ourselves.”

Dream final against Kielce with ex-Kieler Wolff?

Circle runner Patrick Wiencek lived this out rhetorically in an interview with NDR: “The last few years have shown that you can achieve anything in the Final Four. Even the underdog can win. And we’re going to Cologne to win.” First against Barça on Saturday, and – should this coup actually succeed – on Sunday at 6 p.m. in the final against the winner of the game Vive Kielce (Poland) against KC Veszprém (Hungary).

There could well be a duel with Kielce and ex-THW goalkeeper Andreas Wolff in the final or in the match for third place (Sunday, 3:15 p.m.). For the German national player it is the first participation in the Final Four in Cologne. “He played a strong season and was able to improve. Kielce was strong this season. I would rate the team even better than Barcelona. ‘Andi’ is doing his part,” praised Jicha.

ARD expert Dominik Klein believes the “Zebras” are capable of a lot despite the absence of Pekeler and Sagosen in the duel with Barcelona: “Kiel convinces with team unity. Players that you don’t expect at all can become a big factor for THW. Pavel Horak, for example, who touches cement at the back, Ruhne Dahmke/Niclas Ekberg the wing tongs – and of course Niklas Landin in goal. Kiel can cause a surprise.”

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NDR 2 Sports | 06/18/2022 | 11:03 p.m
