Glennis Grace caught just 200 meters from Jumbo branch

Glennis Grace was caught by a paparazzo of the Weekend ‘around the corner’ at the Jumbo branch that she allegedly smashed to pieces. The photos are in this week’s magazine.


Glennis Grace’s career was irreparably damaged in January by the bizarre incident, in which she stormed into the Jumbo with a kind of thug squad. It was a trauma for some employees in the branch in question in the Amsterdam Jordaan. According to Aran Bade, one of the employees has been away for no less than two months.

Around the corner

It is obvious that they are no longer waiting for Glennis at the Jumbo. Fortunately, the public prosecutor has imposed a restraining order on the singer, in anticipation of her trial. She is therefore no longer allowed to enter the Jumbo or close to it. It is not entirely clear how many meters away it is.

A paparazzo from the Weekend was in any case shocked during his tour through the city last week, because Glennis found him quite close to the establishment. The cheerful photos are in the magazine this week. “Glennis can still laugh,” it reads. “ROUND THE CORNER AT THE JUMBO.”

200 meters

Glennis was a few steps away from the supermarket, according to the magazine. She ate an ice cream nearby. “Remarkable: the ice cream parlor is only 200 meters away from the Jumbo, where Glennis got into a big fight with the staff in February…”

Prior to that ice cream, Glennis was having lunch and according to the Weekend, that was very cheerful. “Glennis Grace seems to be enjoying herself, despite all the commotion around her person. (…) The company had the greatest fun and Glennis has clearly not forgotten laughing yet.”

Spotted Marco too

Has another controversial celebrity been spotted in the wild? Yes, weekly Privé has photos of Marco Borsato in the public life of Alkmaar this week. “While hordes of tourists watch the performances of the cheese carriers on the Waagplein in Alkmaar, Marco Borsato is sitting right behind it with a cup of coffee on a terrace.”

Intense, says the Privé. “For months, the singer was not or hardly seen in his hometown and he seemed to have disappeared from the face of the earth at all,” it sounds. But: “On this sunny Friday morning, the beautiful weather beckons. He doesn’t seem very comfortable. He looks jaded and has no eye for his surroundings.”


Glennis and her son with whom she spent three nights behind bars:
