Ko Itakura before moving to Borussia Mönchengladbach – fee at market value

Quote from -Yak-

Quote from Bordon93

Quote from -Yak-

So sad if he really goes to Gladbach for only 5 million. Those responsible will bite their ***** for letting him go. Really, as if you were offered a 911 for 25k and canceled it because you wanted to buy 4 Golfs with the money. And then after a year you are surprised that the 911 suddenly costs 100k. At first everything was great and now Kramer is installing a pseudo trainer, that’s why I didn’t get Ortega, didn’t sign Itakura and best of all sell Thiaw for a few million. Everything could have been so easy. But hey, at least there’s a 2% chance it won’t fail. yippy

Have you ever grabbed a naked man’s pocket?

No, but heard from a naked man who was able to convey a good idea so credibly that he then got loaned money. Then he was able to buy a pair of trousers, which then became so fashionable that he was able to sell them for a multiple a year later. And with that, the debts were settled and there was even something left over. thumbs up

Ok, we’ve been doing the same for the past few years and we’re heavily in debt as a result – so you want to continue like this until we’re bankrupt? Come on…

When the man lies on his face with his pants, which he bought with someone else’s money, so that he has to sell them off for a fraction of the purchase price, it just looks stupid. How are you going to pay off your debt then?

Geez, I would have liked to keep Ko here too, but we’re broke. These bets on the future have consistently gone wrong in the past for a variety of reasons – Embolo, Serdar, Kabak, Harit, Bentaleb, Matondo to name a few. Everyone came here with money that we didn’t actually have because we were convinced that we could later sell it for a profit. The end is known.

What if we put our entire budget (and maybe even more) on Itakura and then he breaks his leg during the first half of the season?

Now don’t tell me that’s unrealistic. Keyword Embolo.

And the fact that Ortega didn’t come because of Kramer is completely unfounded and out of thin air. Better not go into that at all grin
