‘It is a collection depleting. What we can do, is the price for a covered group matigen’

Is there a long-term forecast for lost experts in the field?

“No one knows what to say about it anyway. Technically speaking, it is pas said of a recession that is large in the gross national product of the two following quarters that are negative. The Nationale Bank is entitled to two quarters of two quarters from which the bijvoorbeeld rekening met een nulgroei. Then he is dus plots wel een recessie. Anyway, mensen raise the exact definition of no om de huidige crisis op het domein van koopkracht te voelen.”

The middenklasse is thanks to the automatic loon indexing, which is still valid before the price is paid.

“The order of the day does not sell everything beyond the indexing for any other reason than the moment in time. Al klopt het wel dat het uitgebreid social tariff sommige mensen overcompenseert. Daarom vind ik dat we bij het crisisbeleid niet met te groot kanon would like to shoot. Het wordt haast a middle class insult, because we more doen then all think about it too much we can do the second burgers ondersteunen. He is vandaag een problem aan de aanbodzijde, not aan de vraagkant. Products have just been duurder and ever lost that never op door iedereen more money te geven, want zo voed je de inflation. This is a collection depleted in some of what we can do is the price for a larger group of people. We would then like to think of it as an adjustment to the system of loon indexing.

There is a change in the number of works that are organized by the contractor. Why do you want to do it?

“Real solidarity is not for other compensations iron, that is as a slang that in zijn own staart bijt. The automatic indexing heeft zo as a needle that ze ervoor can worry that bedrijven less new mensen aannemen en trekkende works not soon vangen. As the inflation did not last long, the following was observed. Because when there was a long-term problem, there were also big prices for the labor market.”

“Bezweren next to the automatic loonindexering heeft de politiek nog other middles in hand om the crisis. All are mixed with each other in the reported report from the economic experts to the federal state in the will of Voorleggen. An idea for the publishing of the maximum amount of information on autosnelwegen so nooit voorgesteld zijn aan de vorige, Zweedse regering. Je gegeeft je as an expert op glad ijs wanneer je vorstellen does omdat je thinks that de politiek ze wil. Alben ik het eens met han idea that de btw-verlaging op gas en elektriciteit not houdbaar is.”

The Europese Centrale Bank (ECB) agrees on the right to rent a loan. Zullen deze volstaan ​​om het inflationiespook te chase away?

“I think that the ECB met a geloofwaardigheidsproblem en achter de feiten aanloopt. The organization should not include any names with the inflation bestiary, but it will also try to ensure that the public does not use the same value. For Italy, there are increasing pensions for the public debt for problems, since a noodoplossing has been planned for the most part. So treedt de ECB not doortasted genoeg op en dat heeft gevolgen. As ever in the first instantie not already mentioned om a bepaid price for a decision to be made, wordt de uitweg uit de crisis later all maar moeilijker en duurder. The central banks would like to have more optreden en uitleggen what needs to be done.”
