Talk show Khalid & Sophie returns after the summer on NPO1 | NOW

the talk show Khalid & Sophie returns to NPO1 after the summer. The BNNVARA program can be seen daily on television from August 29, presenter Sophie Hildebrand announced on Friday evening in the last broadcast of the season.

Suzanne Kunzeler, content director at BNNVARA, says that Khalid & Sophie “an important program” for the broadcaster. “We are very pleased with how the talk show is developing and are fully committed to this powerful title.”

The talk show first appeared on television last year and is alternately presented by Hildebrand and Khalid Kasem. The program replaced talk show Eve, presented by Renze Klamer and Fidan Ekiz. That show was taken off the air because it was “not urgent” enough.

Khalid & Sophie alternated with talk show m, but that talk show was also discontinued last March. According to KRO-NCRV, this happened “in close consultation” with presenter Margriet van der Linden.

Two new programs on NPO1 this summer

Since the end of The world goes on in 2020, the NPO talk shows will no longer score as well at the same time. The ratings are lagging and the content is often criticized by TV reviewers and social media users. In recent months, various names have also been doing the rounds of possible DWDDsuccessors. These included Arjen Lubach and the duo Gijs Groenteman and Marcel van Roosmalen.

This summer the NPO will experiment with two new programs on the eve of NPO1. The EO reality series starts next week How do they do that at your house? in which families switch households and experience each other’s parenting methods. In August, The Brokers broadcast, a documentary series by KRO-NCRV in which work on the housing market is central.
