Lukaku-Inter, the negotiation agenda – La Gazzetta dello Sport

A new meeting is expected between the Belgian’s lawyer and the leaders of the Blues to file some details before the green light for the dry loan to the Nerazzurri

Forward without delay and, to be honest, even with a certain hurry. Inter and Lukaku continue their approach at a fast pace, aware that circumstances require us to speed up the pace. On the other hand, there are the benefits of the Growth Decree to be used by June 30, coincidentally the same date indicated by Marotta to deliver the team to Inzaghi for next season. This is why the Belgian and the Nerazzurri management have decided to put their foot on the accelerator by planning the next moves after the first online meeting held on Wednesday with the top management of Chelsea. The strategy involves a new pressing of the player against the Blues, then it will be the turn of Marotta, who expects to be able to return to the office shortly to sanction the return of Big Rom under the Madonnina.

Constant pressing

Specifically, Lukaku has agreed a new meeting with the management of the Blues in the company of his lawyer, Sebastien Ledure. The purpose of the meeting is to perfect some terms related to the possible loan, but the Belgian will also try to convince Chelsea to review their economic claims towards Inter. At Ladure, on the other hand, the task of definitively convincing the British that the cost of keeping a player who is clearly unhappy and out of the project could be even higher than that of letting him start at a figure of less than 24 million, that is to say the value of the amortization. annual. The new ownership of the Blues has shown that they have understood the situation perfectly, significantly revising the initial claims. But a further effort will be needed, obviously to the downside, which Ledure will reiterate at the top of the Blues through a new summit.

The moves

Inter, for its part, is ready to sink the blow at the first crack. Despite having two weeks available, the Nerazzurri management’s plan is to define everything quickly. The distance between the 10 million offered for the dry loan and the 15 requested is considered bridgeable, but the only way is – as they say – to strike while the iron is hot. That’s why, after the new meeting between Lukaku and the Blues, it will be up to Marotta, ready to place the decisive move. Contacts with the Belgian are constant and the strategy has been carefully planned in order not to risk irritating Chelsea. The Nerazzurri leaders have promised to try until the last useful day, but the will is to close quickly, so as to be able to concentrate on the many other transactions already initiated, both incoming and outgoing.
