West Flanders has the lowest natural population growth

West Flanders has the lowest natural population growth

In Belgium, a total of 62,770 inhabitants were added. That is an increase of 0.54 percent. Moreover, that is twice as high as last year. Corona then slowed down population growth. “It is now in line with what was common for Covid-19,” says Cloë Ost, statistician demography at Statbel.

More Migrants and Babies

The vast majority of population growth is due to immigration. More migrants arrived than left. 58,118 of the 62,770 additional inhabitants come from this international migration.

Statbel also once again establishes a “positive natural balance”. That means that in 2021 more babies were born than people died, 5,623 to be exact. “That number is on the low side compared to the period before the corona pandemic,” Statbel said.

Attractive to other Belgians

There are clear differences between the regions and provinces. The Flemish Region remains by far the fastest growing region, with a growth rate of 0.69 percent.

West Flanders has the lowest natural growth. Brussels is a frontrunner, also in terms of immigration. Our province attracts the most inhabitants from other regions of the country.
