Portfolio check: Investors should ask themselves these 5 questions when optimizing their securities portfolio

Depot check in the Corona crisis: You can do that!

The corona virus has world events firmly in its grip and the stock markets have not been spared the effects. Many investors are confronted with losses in their portfolios, uncertainty is spreading and the question of how to deal with this extraordinary situation is present in the minds of many. But how can you as an investor react to the Corona crisis in order to keep the losses as low as possible or even benefit from them in the future? We have put together some tips:

These stocks are benefiting from the Corona crisis

On the one hand, we can observe that stocks in the healthcare sector, SaaS providers in the field of video telephony and conferencing and retail are benefiting from the current situation – be it in terms of the production of protective masks and clothing, the development of a vaccine, the collaborative Working in the home office or the high sales figures due to hamster purchases. Energy suppliers such as RWE or insurers such as Allianz are currently keeping their prices quite stable and will probably remain a valuable part of a portfolio in the future. You can read which companies are also the big “winners” of the crisis in the article about Corona shares from our news editorial team.

These stocks are falling victim to the Corona crisis

The big losers of the crisis can be found in the areas of tourism and events. These industries are suffering from the global measures restricting freedom of movement and are therefore suffering great losses. The cultural sector is also affected by the fact that events do not take place. Companies in the aviation and cruise sectors are having to accept particularly severe setbacks, and it is important to see whether and to what extent they will be able to recover after the crisis. The oil price is also still an indicator of the crisis, so it is not surprising that leading companies suffered losses of more than 30 percent due to falling demand.

Corona crash – these tips will help with the depot check

Do you have ETFs in the portfolio? Then there is no real reason to worry. The current situation on the markets is not the first stock market crash of this kind and a look at past crises shows that the markets will recover in the long term

Do you have individual shares in your portfolio? It’s worth taking a reflective look at your stocks to avoid frantic selling. The areas of biochemistry and raw materials will remain useful and necessary in the long term. However, if you have a high exposure to aviation or tourism, consider switching.

But: You only really lose money once you sell your shares. If you believe that the company can recover from the Corona crisis, it may be worth keeping the shares for the time being – after all, they can’t go much lower anymore.

Does the stock market crash also offer opportunities? Yes! Because the current situation can be seen as an entry opportunity, because online retailers such as Delivery Hero or HelloFresh were already showing a positive development before the crisis and maintained it. The video conferencing provider Teamviewer also recorded a price increase. The medical technology manufacturer Drägerwerk scored extraordinarily well. So it’s worth investing in stocks that you may not have considered before.
