Organs, an act of love or trade?

In recent days, as a result of a public statement, the possibility was raised that a way of covering the need to have organs to save a life would become a simple commercial fact. Nothing more essential, for those who are in a limit situation, than receiving the organ that allows them to stay alive. However, when making the decision to donate, it seems that we do not take dimension of the implication that this has. Perhaps it is a selfish attitude, indolence or deep mistrust of the authorities, or all of this together, but the truth is that there is an abysmal deficit between demand and supply. Above all, when the offer is based on sensitivity, empathy and love for others, even thinking that the neighbor can also be one. Defending life should be the first right and duty of the human being, without self-mutilation for profit, but leaving a legacy of someone who is already part, to endure in another person. That the love of a fellow man be the engine that drives the most transcendental decisions, that we have the lucidity, at the last moment, to think about the happiness of others, that it is not mere mercantilism or an excess of freedom that determines our actions.

Data to know more: Instagram: @yoelfreue

PH: Ezequiel Negri. IG: @phnegri

Social media enhancer: Exequiel Sand. IG: @exequielsandok

Location: Palacio Duhau – Park Hyatt IG: @palacioduhau

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