New construction for autism school provides extra students

New construction for autism school provides extra students

The first school year in the new building is almost over for the more than 200 students with an autism spectrum disorder. They follow lessons in ASO, BSO and TSO.

The new building is a big step forward. “On the first floor there are 16 classes, 16 identical classrooms, the same number of benches, the same number of chairs, the whiteboard is in the same place in every classroom. When students change rooms, they do not receive any extra incentives,” explains director Wim Vandorpe.

“Important that they step out of their comfort zone”

The open-air classroom is also new, which is important for the development of the students. “Our students are sometimes afraid to leave their class. For example, the wind can blow their papers away. But it is important that they carefully step out of their comfort zone,” says teacher Sarah Demeyere.

Due to the new construction, the number of students has risen sharply, and they expect that number to grow over the next 2 years. But every child who signs up now has a place, the time of camping parents is over. Also because the school is expanding further in the buildings of the old municipal school in Oostnieuwkerke.
