MISCELLANEOUS/Supermoon: Full moon appears larger

DARMSTADT (dpa-AFX) – The moon appears on Wednesday night as a so-called super moon. The moon then appears brighter and a little larger than usual. The reason for this is that the moon comes quite close to the earth at a distance of 360 000 kilometers and is full moon almost at the same time. It looks particularly large on the horizon just after it has risen and just before it has set.

Specialists call the point at which the moon comes closest to the earth in its elliptical orbit perigee. If the moon goes through the full moon phase at the same time, one also speaks of a super moon. Visibility may also depend on the weather. The forecast of the German Weather Service (DWD) for the night on Wednesday: “Cloudy in the north, but mostly dry. Otherwise slightly cloudy or clear”./vf/DP/nas
