OTS: High-Tech Gründerfonds / More than EUR 400 million: New seed fund of …

More than EUR 400 million: New seed fund from High-Tech Gründerfonds

exceeds expectations (PHOTO)

Bonn (ots) –

– The fourth fund of the High-Tech Gründerfonds

Commitments received for more than EUR 400 million.

– The result is well above expectations, the second closing takes place

later this year.

– 40 private investors participate in addition to the Federal Ministry of

Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK) and KfW Capital at HTGF IV.

High-Tech Gründerfonds (HTGF) launches its fourth fund and achieves

already with the first closing a committed volume of more than 400 million

Euro. More than EUR 130 million of this comes from private investors who

alongside the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection (BMWK) and KfW

Capital participate in the fourth fund of the HTGF. The result surpasses that

expectations clear.

The HTGF thus leads the successful public-private partnership

Cooperation of public and private fund investors in the next

Generation: The second closing will take place this year and will therefore be clear

faster than with the predecessor fund. 40 companies from different

Sectors participate in HTGF IV, with medium-sized companies being particularly strong

represented, plus numerous large companies and family offices.

With its early financing, the new fund accompanies young companies from the

areas of digital tech, industrial tech, life sciences and chemistry. Included

the analysis and selection methods are even more focused on the aspect of

sustainability oriented.

dr Alex von Frankenberg, Managing Director of High-Tech Gründerfonds: “Our

Offering access to innovation, return and impact for our fund investors

and company has convinced many private investors. We are very pleased

about the great interest. This is how we build the network of innovation drivers

further out in Germany. The HTGF has been active for 17 years, we know them

positive feedback effects on the innovative power of our fund investors.

Together we will continue to invest in around 40 innovative technology start-ups per

year in the start-up phase and thus make an important contribution to the

Germany as a business location.”

Guido Schlitzer, Managing Director of High-Tech Gründerfonds: “The big one

Participation from future-oriented medium-sized companies, from leading corporations

and from significant family offices is an excellent signal for

Founders. After more than 670 seed investments from our

previous three funds, we know the market very well and know how big it is

in this country is the potential of and for start-ups. We look forward to staying in the future

to be able to continue financing young technology-driven companies.”

The HTGF sees itself as a platform that brings together corporations, medium-sized and

Family business networked with start-ups. Since its foundation in 2005, Europa

most active seed investor financed over 670 high-tech start-ups. More than 150

The HTGF has successfully sold companies, including an exit worth billions

and four IPOs. Right from the start, business enterprises were involved in the

Fund of the HTGF involved. HTGF III currently includes 33 industrial groups and

medium-sized companies are invested in Fund IV, the number of which is increasing

private investors to 40; the HTGF III had a after the second closing

Volume of EUR 319.5 million, in Fund IV the volume now increases to more than 400

Million Euro. http://www.htgf.de/

To the overview of fund investors


To the BMWK press release


To the press releases of the fund investors (https://htgf.sharepoint.com/:f:/s


Press contact:

contact media

High-Tech Gründerfonds Management GmbH

Stefanie Grüter, Head of Marketing & Communications

T.: +49 228 82300 188

mailto:[email protected]

Contact Investors

High-Tech Gründerfonds Management GmbH

dr Alex von Frankenberg, Managing Director

mailto:[email protected]

Further material: http://presseportal.de/pm/66916/5247441

OTS: High-Tech Gründerfonds
